

We were approached to help build a new global site for Telcopal, a division of UGLII, a new online global directory service. Search. This enterprise is a new entrant in the B2B and B2C market with a need to have partnerships with all major international telecommunications organisations including Telstra.


The Telcopal site was immediately successful at launch meeting the targeted visitation and universally encapsulated the interest and needs of global telco partners. We developed a intelligent ‘Business Case Generator’ online video content explaining the concept, online registration and eNews subscription tool that met the brief on time and under budget.


After the successful launch of the site we helped generate an array of supportive media and online ‘conversations about this exciting new system. This was highly targeted at individual telcos across the globe and immediate visitation was beyond the objectives. The site continues to provide the base for international telco engagement and partnership with the UGLII brand.